Thursday, January 15, 2009

lucky no°37***

  1. Stay away from Sugars
  2. Opt for Organic, fresh and locally grown foods
  3. Eat most of your food Raw (chicken is not suggested of course)
  4. Only eat when you are hungry (don’t eat simply cause “it’s time”)
  5. When you are thirsty, drink water
  6. Chew your food at least 30 times before you swallow it
  7. Take the time to savor your food and focus on the action of eating
  8. Choose your foods according to the season
  9. Trade you coffee for a high quality green tea
  10. Trade fruit juices for water
  11. Have your dose of sunlight everyday (to stimulate your vitamin D levels)
  12. Take a walk everyday
  13. Smoking is outdated, just stop it for your own sake
  14. Learn to breathe correctly; for the bottom to the top of your lungs
  15. Wake up with the sun
  16. Go to bed when he goes
  17. Sleep in total darkness
  18. Stop criticizing and start edifying
  19. Accept that you deserve to be healthy
  20. Embrace your current health for what it is, it will only make it better
  21. Understand what your body was designed for; to heal itself
  22. Learn to take a break
  23. Learn to observe yourself
  24. Go on vacation
  25. Forget yesterday and tomorrow, live in the Here and Now
  26. Stay in touch with your friends, even if you are “busy”
  27. Listen to Music that make you happy
  28. Keep on learning new things
  29. Remind yourself to have Fun
  30. Practice Yoga
  31. Meditate even if it’s only 5 minutes a day
  32. Speak your mind; do not let anything inside too long
  33. Sing in your shower (even if you can’t sing!)
  34. Have sex
  35. Be grateful for your body/mind complex that serves you everyday without asking questions
  36. Love someone
  37. Smile

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